Nominee Submission

With Africa's majority being youth, who often face unemployment challenges, it's crucial to foster entrepreneurship and create opportunities. Imagine if 50% of university students started businesses in their first year – by graduation, they could generate countless jobs.

FOYA Southern Africa's purpose is to recognize and applaud young founders driving African development through entrepreneurship. Our focus isn't the standard praise of seasoned entrepreneurs; it's about honoring the young and unsung heroes who overcome hurdles to establish brands and create jobs.

Beginning in Kenya and expanding to Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, and South Africa, FOYA Global's journey led to the creation of FOYA Regional awards in 2024, starting with FOYA Southern Africa, encompassing South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

FOYA Southern Africa stands as a tribute to resilient, passionate youth who embrace talent, knowledge, and determination to achieve dreams against odds. We believe in recognizing and appreciating your efforts. Winning a FOYA Southern Africa award showcases your business across Africa, embodying inspiration for others.

Ready to join FOYA Southern Africa nominees? Submit your details or those of your friends below.


Nominee Submission

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