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Manufacturing Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Nqaba Sphelele Mthembu
Saint Ambassadors Logistics


Saint Ambassadors Manufacturing & Logistics has embark on business of health and hygiene with a heart of closing gabs in KwaZulu-Natal province through industrial link and opportunities. Our sector of operation has identified that KZN is the country’s main producer of timber as it produces over 60% of all timber used in the country and accounts for a significant percentage of the country’s wood exports; as well as sugar cane (0.84% of SA GDP), with some of the country’s largest sugar processing plants. We have also noticed toilet papers are essential products with high demand in our province KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa at large, with high volume in return for large profitability to manufacture. There is high demand for tissue paper in South Africa, and the demand is expected to continue to increase in the coming years, thus making it an excellent business opportunity for entrepreneurs. Tissue products has proven through to be the most supportive idea especially in front desk sectors such as Hospitals and Restaurants where a variety of people normally gathered. KZN big the largest province in congested community areas, lacking proper hygiene practice, we therefore has to identified a gab which we believe through this youth of 5th generation we can minimize unemployment and revive our township economy.
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