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Social Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Country: South Africa

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Sekelo Shud3
Kuluhlaza Trading
We are a waste management business and we specialize in plastic recycling. Plastic pollution is a huge crisis globally and needs urgent solutions. We then have a buy back center that community members use to recycle their plastic waste and earn a source of income from it as we have huge unemployment rate in South Africa, we work with over 30 informal recyclers that recyclers to us which is indirect employment. We also give these recyclers basic Recycling skills and Business management skills to ensure that they earn and grow their hustle. We then take this plastic collected and process it to produce alternative and sustainable paving bricks and retaining blocks. These are manufactured using Patented processes and we only use plastic as binding meterial in our production. We aslo are permited to reclaim the plastic at our local landfill site to minimise danger and emissions from plastic dumped which in heavy rainfalls and floods it is washed to oceans. We have just recently been part of the Falling Walls Science summit in Germany which was a huge milestone for us to engage with global leaders in the Technology and Science industry for us to learn and invest in our countries.
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